Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dear Glenn Beck

Hello Independence Caucus Members,

Wow, Glenn Beck is soooooo close! He’s on the right track but he needs a little more info to add to his solution – he needs Independence Caucus’ plan! Please help us get the word to Glenn. One of our Directors has written a letter (below) to Glenn. BUT, one letter won’t get his attention. We need thousands of people to email Glenn. Will you help us out? As Frank asked in an earlier email, please email Glenn and help us get is attention. If you can’t come up with something of your own, feel free to forward this along and ask your friends and family to email him too.

Please Tweet the following:

RT icaucusgayle @glennbeck Please check out Independence Caucus’ open letter to Glenn Beck & invitation http://short.to/qd5y.

Please email Glenn. His email addresses are: me@glennbeck.com and glenn@glennbeck.com and refounders@foxnews.com and glennbeck@foxnews.com and stu@glennbeck.com and cbrady@glennbeck.com. Please send your email to ALL of these addresses. It would also be great if you would copy and paste the letter into the contact form on Glenn’s site: http://www.glennbeck.com/content/program/contact.

Dear Glenn and “Re-founders” staff,

Bob Basso (Thomas Paine) told me we have what American needs right now.

You are absolutely correct about what Americans need to do.

You are calling for Americans to expose the corruption of both parties. Did you know that one of the “We Surround Them/9-12” groups is already doing exactly that?…and did you know that every time this group makes a video that exposes a piece of the corruption that they ALWAYS expose BOTH one Republican and one Democrat? They refuse to single out only one of the two parties!

You are calling for finding politicians who will stand up for a Re-founding of the country. Did you know that Dr. Bob Basso (Thomas Paine) has said that this same “We Surround Them/9-12” group already has established a way to properly vet and qualify political candidates who will support Constitutional principles?….and that Dr Basso has said that their process of qualifying candidates for congress is “the message that ALL Americans need to hear right now!”?

You ask your listeners to read “The 5,000 Year Leap”. Did you know that Zeldon Nelson, the head of the NCCS that publishes “The 5,000 Year Leap” was so impressed with the work that this same “We Surround Them/9-12” group is doing that he personally has authorized the group to sell the Audio version of “The 5,000 Year Leap” on their website and keep 100% of the sale price to help fund their work?...and that Zeldon has told this group that as soon as they are ready that Zeldon himself will personally deliver to the Glenn Beck staff this groups research that exposes the money trails between the 25 institutions that have received 95.3% of all bailout money and the Incumbents who voted to funnel that money to them via the TARP bailouts?
You exposed Census Bureau plans to use ACORN “volunteers” after Congressman Jason Chaffetz tipped you off to these plans. Did you know that the founders and organizers of this same “We Surround Them/9-12” group originally met and came together as part of the 1,000 un-paid volunteers working on the Jason Chaffetz campaign that helped Jason defeat the 5 term incumbent even though that incumbent outspent Chaffetz by more than $600,000.00?

You ask Americans to stand up and do something. Did you know that this same “We Surround Them/9-12” group has volunteers all over the country who are already in the process of vetting and endorsing candidates in all Congressional and Senate races for 2010?... and that they have so far already endorsed a Senate candidate who is running against Barbara Boxer in California, and Congressional candidates who are running against incumbents in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Virginia?...and that over 400 other candidates and incumbents are already in the process of getting vetted?

This “We Surround Them/9-12” group has a pretty ugly website, because they don’t have much money and are just trying to maintain it by themselves. But on that website you will find short 9 to 12 minute videos exposing exactly the corruption you want exposed…and they’ve already experienced how to win an election with the Jason Chaffetz campaign…and they are already leading and teaching other 9-12 types all over the country what they learned…and they are already leading the search to find the 56 re-founders you’re looking for and over 400 more to join them?

This “We Surround Them/9-12” group is called The Independence Caucus. My name is Frank Anderson, and I am one of the founders of this group, and I ask you to look at what we are doing.

You can see for yourself in less than 10 minutes by watching this 9 minute video titled “A Tale of Two Congressmen: One Democrat and One Republican” that starts explaining how BOTH parties have been co-opted by the Big Money special interests here: http://www.ourcaucus.com/Article2-1.html

You can also contact Dr Bob Basso and ask him for yourself what he thinks of what the Independence Caucus. (We know you have his contact info)

You can also contact Jason Chaffetz and ask him about Frank Anderson, Monte Bateman and the other original members of the Independence Caucus who worked as unpaid volunteers on his election campaign. (We know you have his contact info as well)

You can contact the two Independence Caucus founding organizers here: frank@icaucus.org and/or monte@icaucus.org

Thank you!
Frank Anderson